Dawn was born at Bethany Hospital in Grey Lynn in 1936.

It’s likely she was born with a disability, but her family don’t know for sure. Dawn was adopted as a baby by a Northland family. Her brother, Paul, went to Kokopu School, but there are no school records for Dawn so she probably didn’t go to school.

Dawn was about 16 when her adoptive parents had to put her into care because she got to the stage where they couldn’t handle her. Her Mum had been ill and could no longer manage Dawn because she had many problems and was quite strong. At first, she went to Oakley Hospital. Later, she was transferred to Kingseat Hospital and, from there on, no one’s really sure where she went before moving into a supported community home with Spectrum Care.

Dawn arrived at Spectrum Care with a ‘Kleensak’ full of dirty clothes and nothing else.

She has now lived with Spectrum Care for over 13 years and has been at Grotto Street, Onehunga, with four other women for around four years.

Dawn has a lovely personality. She is a beautiful person inside and is very caring and happy to share her belongings with her fellow flatmates. She likes talking to people, especially children, and she loves babies. Dawn likes travelling and loves going in the car.

She prefers to go out every day, if she can, and doesn’t like staying at home for too long. She likes to interact and roam around, and also loves going on holiday.

Almost three years ago, Dawn was contacted by her 74-year-old sister Aloma Lockwood. Dawn had not known about Aloma and Aloma had not known about Dawn.

They’ve got to know each other over the past three years and their story is a heart-warming one. Both Dawn and her sister Aloma were adopted as babies, though by different families.

When Aloma started her own family, some elderly aunties let slip one day that she’d been adopted at birth. This was a big shock. Some years before, Aloma’s adopted mother had told her that she had a sister – Dawn – who was up north, but wouldn’t tell her anything else. Once Aloma’s mother had passed away, Aloma and her daughter Janene decided that it was time they started looking for Dawn and their biological mother.

It’s been wonderful for both Dawn and Aloma to have found each other. If Aloma had not been determined to find her, Dawn may never have known she had a sister and wouldn’t have the family contact she’s had since they were reunited.


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© Spectrum Care Trust Board
Extraordinary Journeys
Published by Spectrum Care Trust Board