Over the past year, we’ve talked to many of our customers, whanau, staff and other stakeholders to find out what they like, what they don’t, what we do well and what we can do better.
We called this process the ‘Customer Journey and Voice’ programme and it’s provided us with a lot of new challenges and opportunities to improve what we do and keep the people we support and their whanau at the centre of all organisation decisions, and business and support practices.
Embedding a customer-centric model into our organisational ‘DNA’ will empower people and their whanau as we move towards the ‘Systems Transformation’ of our Disability Support Services sector.
We’re looking forward to this evolution, as it’ll ensure people with disabilities and their whanau have greater choice and control in their lives.
It’s also based around ‘Enabling Good Lives’ principles of self-determination, investing early, being person-centred and easy to use, supporting disabled people to live an everyday life, being able to access mainstream services, being mana enhancing, and building and strengthening relationships between disabled people, whanau and community.
Reflecting this and input from our key stakeholders, we’ve developed a new mission – ‘Realising possibilities’ ‘Whakatinana ana I nga wawata’ – which is underpinned by what we believe in:
- We believe in lives of choice
- This means people and whanau having real choice in and control over their lives, and the supports and accommodation options they receive.
- We believe in inclusive communities
- This means people truly engaging with their communities and accessing mainstream options first where possible.
- We believe in daring to dream
- This means working with people and whanau to facilitate their aspirations
We’ve also developed four new ‘Values’ statements, to drive a more customer-centred culture:
- Empowering informed decision-making
- This means having the right people involved at the right time to support the individual to make decisions
- It means giving time and energy to the process. Understanding, exploring and evaluating options with the person
- It means being ethical (eg acting in the interests of the person), committed and patient
- And it means acting on decisions
- Being a trusted partner
- This means taking the time to listen, hear and understand (eg not judging)
- It means walking alongside and working together
- It means being reliable, competent and sincere
- And it means working at the pace of the person
- Building connections to communities of choice
- This means being local and engaged (eg presence and participation)
- It means prioritising autonomy, choice and cultural prosperity
- And it means being positive, willing and courageous
- Facilitating solutions for people and whanau
- This means focusing on the individual, and understanding their needs, wants and dreams
- It means making it easy for people and families, seeking solutions and realising possibilities
- And it means being innovative, responsive and effective
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