One of the values we have for our staff is ‘bounce back’. During the latest lockdown period many staff and the people they work alongside were really tested. Being able to rejuvenate is key to being able to continue with the great work they do. It’s also important for the people they support and their whanau members too to find a way to bounce back as well.

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 27 September to 3 October and there are many organisations taking part. is one such organisation that’s giving people access to a week’s worth of FREE mental health webinars.

Head along to their website to find out more:

The webinars are free and cover a range of mental health topics such as Thriving in the Face of Change and Suicide Prevention.

You can also visit the Mental Health Foundation’s website here: for more information and ways to care for your and your whanau’s mental health.

As always, let your service coordinator or house leader know if you have any concerns about your whanau members mental health needs. Our staff are trained to identify these things, but we always welcome input from family.